Monday, September 16, 2024
Home > Raspberry Pi projects > We just showing off some projects you can do with the Raspberry Pi

We just showing off some projects you can do with the Raspberry Pi

We just showing off some projects you can do with the Raspberry Pi

All the projects are feasible, easy to design and are novel which makes it more fun

We just showing off some projects you can do with the Raspberry Pi
We just showing off some projects you can do with the Raspberry Pi

Some new toys that light up

If you have at your fingertips juggling games and want to modernize them, give them a “techno”, as you can do with your Raspberrry Pi and you can do it yourself, you can do it with some LEDs and a Raspberry Pi, in addition to a SD card, a Pibrella plate and use some code Py ython.

Raspberry Pi is a great tool, ideal for teenagers who like to invent, create, modify, alter, awakens the ingenuity, develops the intellect, knowledge and modern technology allows the decoding and update it even more

Scan in 3D with Raspberry Pi

The project makes use of 40 40 Raspberry Pis, with IP Cameras, in addition to 40 SD and 1 power supply 60A and 5V to power all of the RPi. The revolution of the 3D printers is increasingly evident and we will be able to use the Raspberry Pi as a unique means of scan items in third dimension to then be able to print in this type of device.

The size of the project is especially remarkable – it is possible to scan to any person, this will require a frame with a wooden structure in which anger by placing the RPi with the cameras to get the amazing final results. For this project requires a 3D printer in which the RPi has a role and be able to print it.

Now you can have a media center in your home

Riding a small HTPC or Media Center based on the Raspberry Pi is really simple – there are lots of resources like this to get it, and we can strengthen that capacity with some other element additional hardware such as small hardware modules to add optical outputs and S/PDIF if we want to go a step beyond.

Convert this mini in our particular server/player of multimedia content has become so prevalent that there are all sorts of projects that reinforce this offer. There are a number of proposals software (OpenELEC, Xbian and OSMC are clear and take advantage of all the power of Kodi/XBMC), but there are also all kinds of guides to make the most of this function.