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You continue to offer feasible projects with your Raspberry pi

You continue to offer feasible projects with your Raspberry pi

You continue to offer feasible projects with your Raspberry pi

How to build a Raspberry Pi point-and-shoot camera

camera module of the Raspberry Pi has the ability to capture high quality images. A simple point-and-shoot camera is built using the camera module and the Raspberry Pi. This Wi-Fi enabled, so that the captured image can be transferred to any storage in the cloud.

You continue to offer feasible projects with your Raspberry pi
You continue to offer feasible projects with your Raspberry pi

A Face Tracking Camera with Pan and Tilt Control using Raspberry Pi in this project, a face in real-time monitoring of camera is developed by using the Raspberry Pi. Two servo motors are used to pan and tilt the camera control. A camera module for Raspberry Pi or a simple webcam can be used to capture images

The robotics with the Raspberry pi is also possible

We tell you how to build a ball robot of follow-up: This project shows a ball robot of follow-up. This robot manages the images of the ball processing them and consequently follows the ball.

You will also learn how to build a MeArm is a Robot Arm: Fits into a small pocket and constitutes a small robotic arm functional. This project because it shows the construction of a robotic arm to scale using a body coenctados acrylic and 4 servos to the Raspberry Pi

Innovative projects that painted with Raspberry pi

Learn to make a light board Plotter: The Plotter of Glowboard was built with a piece of sheet of 120cm x 60cm Glow-In-The-Dark, a step, 64 UV Leds controlled by a MAX7218 joined a Raspberry pi. The leds are attached to a wooden bar that moves over the sheet. A small web server is used to receive images and controls the Leds and the step so that the images are represented.

Plotter made of recycled parts you design a plotter using recycled parts of old CD readers. The proyetco uses old optical drives, recycled from old obsolete equipment to use their engines step by step, and made a little chart plotter, controlled by WiFi, of these engines, a servo, four bridges H and a Raspberry Pi.