NASA No budget no date to reach Mars
NASA admits that there are no funds for missions to Mars. A few months ago was the adoption by the Congress of the United States of the new budget for NASA (19,508 million dollars annually), which entailed changes in the obligations and duties of the agency, including the mission of bringing humanity to Mars in the decade of 2030. But the calculations that do not come out in the NASA are the economic, and announced that no funds for the human being depress Mars at this time.

If it is true, the planet Mars has been explored so far, with unmanned probes and under the slogan “Volunteers to depress to Mars,” Charlie Bolden, who was the manager of NASA in 2015, promoted the conquest of Mars through the figure of volunteers.
presenting a “human exploration plan” before the first of December 2017 in which should be broken down the objectives to reach Mars, the road map of each mission, its objectives, the delivery of results, and how it would help us to reach this planet.
What until the time is handled and that NASa lacks the funds needed to land on Mars with the rocket SLS or the ship Orion, which have exceeded the estimated cost by the specialists. Also exceeds the budget with regard to make them fly, and that taking into account that the agency has not been able to design vehicles that would eventually landing or taking off of the martian surface